Infrared Scanning
Infrared Scanning Services
Infrared Scanning – IEC recommends infrared thermography for our Clients predictive maintenance programs. The benefits of infrared diagnostics of typically concealed mechanical, electrical, or structural problems, without tampering with the building’s structure or mechanical systems, cannot be overstated. Finding and fixing a poor electrical connection before a component fails can save you the much greater costs associated with manufacturing downtime, production losses, power outages, fires and catastrophic failures.
Our Infrared Scanning Services are used with:
- Bus Ducts
- Electrical Panel Inspection
- Motors / Shafts / Bearings
- Production Line Bearings
- Transformers Switching
Using infrared scanning for predictive maintenance, IEC’s Clients are assured of reduced downtime, improved safety results, and the highest ROI for every maintenance dollar spent.
At IEC, Inc. we specialize in providing exceptional service and results beyond our Clients expectations. Contact us for more information.